首页 > 其他类型 > 整顿金融app > 第3章 利用技术手般操控利率使借款人陷入困境

第3章 利用技术手般操控利率使借款人陷入困境(第4/13 页)

最新其他类型小说: 九劫风水王流火盛夏科技霸权,从获得外星飞船开始傻白师妹她武力超绝风卷云归月薪三千打工人穿越到古代做王妃紫青传狐妖:梦之如初雅之相情勾骗病娇权臣动心后跑路,他疯了特种兵游记猫猫治愈小分队记得,那年花下降临在大海世界忍盟大陆雷欧奈,你也不想我和赤瞳交往吧足球:年年卖球星,年年拿冠军!盗墓:无故失忆后我直接发癫全府就我一个大聪明农家福宝看气运,半吊子金手指不灵啦!这年头,阴阳先生也不好当她太乖了,禁欲大叔只想宠坏她

The detective's investigation led him to a remote office building where the operation of E-ZLoan was rooted. It was in this office that Zhang discovered a secret team of app developers and loan officers, all working in sync to exploit unsuspecting users. The team had gone to great lengths to hide their true identities, using intricate encryption techniques to conceal the origin of the loans.

With the evidence gathered, Detective Zhang contacted the local financial regulatory agency, providing them with the detailed information necessary to shut down E-ZLoan's operations. The agency swiftly launched an investigation of their own, freezing the app's assets and holding its executives accountable for their illegal activities.

As news of the investigation spread, other loan apps in the city became increasingly cautious, ensuring they operated within the boundaries of the law. Detective Zhang's actions had set a precedent that sent a strong message to the




